My Poetry, Ya'll. BAM!

All poetry written by Danielle Adele Hilton

Copyrights pending
Do not copy any portion of these works without my expressed permission. 

It was a handkerchief tied to driftwood, my promise,
in a windstorm by the sea. 
I laid beside this sorry beacon, contemplating mi bandera.

"Doña Esperanza, please bring my beloved to me."

My promise, little soiled rag tied loosely to dead tree, whipped about and danced, got wet and
dried out . . .
or was that me?

I lay until I was called away.
Thought to free it and watch it sail.
"save it"
"burn it"
I heard me say.

I left. It prevailed.

the past,like quicksand,
is at first unremarkable and indistinct.

Even when we have begun to 
there are, at first, 
no alarms.

at first we regard the weave of our former we,
then we inspect the tears. 
 Quietly we begin "fixing" with our shadow looms.

Shifting in the past.
Moving in quicksand.

sinking now

So far is the shore when at sea in our memories.

You paralyze her.
Your words, a reminder of what your touch can do...

Both make her curl into herself and relive your breath at her ear, and
your hand, a strong force, upon her side and back
rubbing and rocking
and then cradling her weary head.

Your voice is warm air with cracks of lightning...
soothing her.

And, though you are just a vapor-mere haze,
you make, for her, a hearth of time and space.
She does not dare move.


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