Climate Hope

My head is spinning since the march. At first, I chalked that up to being exhausted but I'm a mom, an activist, a friend . . . Who was I kidding? Fatigued is my norm.

Since I got back to NC from the march, I've been afraid to admit that for the first time since I began earnestly campaigning for protections from air pollution, for my baby's health and her future and for the planet I love,
  I   actually      feel        hope.

That's some novel shit.  I mean, I've felt sad and I'm intimately familiar with anger . .  I have always had faith as my calm and consistent companion. But hope?

Don't believe I've been hopeless?  I definitely had hope before I knew the extent of the threat and how entrenched the fossil fuel industry is in our legislative and regulatory bodies . . . Once I got that education, I started operating on everything but hope. The series of text messages I sent to an activist just days before the march illustrates how little hope I had.  They are also extremely embarrassing:

Even if/when we lose, we'll have put ourselves in better company to help get us through the worst times. 


I'm better situated to get me and M through the storms now than I was before...


But yeah, it looks like we are going to go down...fighting though

I know, I know.  Those are horrible! That was me, and now I am bursting with ideas, climate action strategies and HOPE! How did I go from that depth of hopelessness to the gushing mess of an inaugural blog post I have edited and republished so many times that I have given myself 50 post views?!!

The answer: 400,000

Before the People's Climate March, I was fighting the noblest losing battle of our time. Now, I'm expecting the win.

#ClimateJustice #ClimateAction #ClimateWarrior #ClimateCrisis #PeoplesClimate March


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