"All ye, all ye, all come free" (The People's Climate March 2014)

Yesterday morning as families assembled for the People's Climate March, someone asked me what I thought would be accomplished.  

Of course, I answered that the assembly was, in and of itself, a worthwhile accomplishment.

It's big because we represented diverse global and grassroots organizations, and free thinkers who don't always agree with each other and yet we assembled out of our fears- the super storms, moldy crops, swarms of pests, disappearing shorelines, algae blooms, homes under water, and mass extinctions . . . we are all as scared as hell and yet there we were embracing our fear and accepting the responsibility to act.

400,000 saying:
We cannot afford to wait.
We cannot afford to fail.
And, there is hope for our future if we act now.  

Yesterday was also an epic win in the face of climate deniers who have yet to assemble more than a sprinkle of "scientists" in support of their arguments.  We had scientists, physicians, families, attorneys, students, farmers, and survivors of extreme weather and oil spills.  The experts and laypeople were well represented and the trajectory of almost a half a million these lives is now informed by that day.

On a personal note, the march encouraged me. I know, despite false assurances from legislators and regulators, I'm definitely not alone in my outrage and fear. Green Peace alone brought 11 buses full of North Carolinians.

The environmental community called "Olly olly oxen free" and 400,000 oxen showed up (not sheep). We'll all be listening now for the next call to action.

#peoplesclimate march #climatejustice


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