Climate Activist Hack

All of the green energy investments Duke Energy has promoted since the People's Climate March don't excuse harm they cause by dealing in toxic fossil fuels. DUK is the #2 worst polluting energy company following American Electric Power Company. In 2012, #2 emitted 134,277,330 tons of CO2 which is toxic to us, every other species, and the planet.

If we could see CO2, we would not be in this place today. But it only shows up in our increased asthma and autism rates, water and air testing, and disruptive weather.

I heard a woman from Minisink, NY speak about kids in her community with rashes, recurring nosebleeds, adults fighting lethargy, and dead dairy cows.  A gas compression station appeared in their agriculturally rich community and BAM! they began to suffer. If we identified with the people of Minisink, NY, we would have done something by now.

Many of us are Minisink, NY just before the gas compression station came . . . I don't want to have anything in common with the Minisink of today; The only way I can avoid that is to prevent the thing that changed them.

There is no healthy fossil fuel and every stage of gas, coal and oil extraction, refinement distribution and use has health risks.

Something simple you can do about it? Comment on the EPA Clean Power Plan today to take a stand for our health and our world:


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