Let's co-create a food forest

The new way is...

A new book dedicated to
What brings Spirit joy
And what makes hearts soar.

We are grateful.
We bless ourselves. ¿por que no?

sunshine, the color yellow, honeybees,
pungent, green, fragrant and gentle scents
With medicinal properties.

Plant and mineral relatives are our elders.
Animals are our relatives.

YES, rooted, flowing, climbing, slithering, walking, flying...
together we co-create paradise
so all sex and sexes are productive and sacred.
What ever we desire, we manifest and create it.

And me, writing in cursive and writing well...in cursive.
Smiling, Loving.

Babies smiling and loving-being loved, cared for, tended to because they/ we are Regarded.

Cuddling, naptime.

Choices. Clear choices.

HAPPY CHOICES between delight and even more delight and even more delight,
And more abundant delight.


Join the Reimagine: Transforming Us group on Facebook to share your vision and get an invite to co-creating food forest fam.


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