'conversing with light bodies' ☆

I just landed in another atmosphere
I'm just floating, in a stain steel sphere
I bet you have questions like, "Where did I come from?"
I know,I come from that planet that hit Tiamat
Years ago
Years ago
Years ago
Years ago
I do my flows and then I get so lost
Light just take my sphere to go
Sphere to go
Sphere to go
Sphere to go
To the top of the pyramid, let's save the world like this
Conversing with light bodies
But really they all a part of me  
Intro to "Female Energy" by Willow Smith of Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith and on and on . . .

As I was looking down at my own brown arms cradling a suffering child who was holding her breath, [having applied all known remedies and consulted the physicians] I asked her if she wanted to be healthy and to declare her desire for wellness. 

Then, it occurred to me to tell her something I had not ever mentioned before that moment. 

What I said felt like an oath from a caregiver. 

It was something I needed to hear just as much as I needed to say.

It went something like this:

I will be your guardian. 
I will protect your body as you rest and heal. 
This is my honor for, in protecting you, I protect the entire universe and heal myself.
I will be your witness and guide as you practice healing yourself and others with unconditional love for the highest good of all.
Like the stars, trees and every being, I am simply reflecting the healing you already have within you as you reflect healing to me all of the time. 
There is no payment, all you must do is breathe and receive. 
I'm grateful to be a part of this beautiful existence that you are. [this is when she looked at me, now breathing calmly, and said, 'I'm grateful to have such a caring momma'.] I'm grateful that we are such a caring universe with trees that know us by our footsteps and weather that reflects our state of being back to us so that we know we must heal ourselves. I love you.

Muses: M and Tajanee
Photo by Danielle Hilton

how would we speak to one another as light bodies, as one light body reflecting back to itself?


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