Earth Day Mantra

Our plant and animal elders and human ancients tell us that how we treat ourselves and one another is a reflection of what we are doing to this Great Mother, Earth.

Here are my affirmations to make me a loving daughter to Earth and sister to the many beings from tiny seed🌱 to mountain and bacteria to woman to whale shark🌊

I will appreciate my authentic beauty, wisdom and power.

I will appreciate  authentic beauty, wisdom and power of all others.

I will bear witness to joy and suffering, my own and that of all beings.

I will use and strengthen my abilities to heal myself, and others.

I will delight myself and others by orienting my presence and being toward light and I will take rest by dissolving into darkness.

I will acknowledge my desire to grow, transform, bear fruit and transcend and give myself what I need to do this intentionally for the highest good of all.

I will plant myself among those who I help and who help me thrive and I will neglect what threatens me and others such as war, competition and ego.

I will be intentional about how I use my energy and that of others.

I will value the contrasts and spectrums within myself and others, including parts I experirnce as revealed and hidden, welcoming and menacing, light and dark, and soft and sharp.

The Mantra
I will love my wild and authentic self and use my resources to protect and nurture me.

We are told by ancestors that we are a reflection of this planet and the planet is a reflection of us. So, I will be Family, Peace, Balance, Joy, Abundance and Love for I hold this intention for my home, my Earth, and my relatives, all creation.

The key to healing the planet is truly me and we♡.


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