Bigots With Badges Are Bad But A Complicit Society Is Killing Us

I have been feeling angry since I saw the video. It's an ice cold anger that makes me want to punch things . . . it turned my jog into more of a chase where I was kicking the thin air, fighting him off of a child in a bikini who was calling for her mother.

I was outraged before the girl was dragged and before the gun was pointed. My appetite soured early on as I watched and realized that I would be eating my anger again for this case as the justice system takes its time to "handle" David Eric Casebolt, respectfully.

Fuck you, Eric. Fuck you for abusing the authority that has been entrusted to you to protect and serve all residents of your community. And FUCK YOU for making serving as an officer more dangerous for those who do the job as it should be done like my brother, you dumbass! You are fucking it up for everybody.  You are so lucky to be a White police officer in 2015 TX where justice is more your friend than that of the innocent children you brutalized.

It is a shame that we continue having to look outside of the "justice system" for real justice:
a white teenage boy invisible to a brutal maniac,
The Daily Show ???

I found myself cheering about the hacktivist group Anonymous getting involved; I hold no illusions about how swift and fair justice will be dealt to the McKinney police dept.  by the BIA and the munipal justice system nor about the influence that those who attack the humanity of these children have on every level of justice.

From where I sit, charges against all 9 units should be explored because not one de-escalated this rogue and dangerous man who was masquerading as a "Peace Keeper". Justice means intolerance of police brutality in all its forms, including the violence of consenting officers. 

Justice requires confronting the legal system as well.

The justice system's complicity empowers bigots and allows them into places that endanger us all. Judges, Police Departments, juries, prosecutors, and the laws that
sympathize with criminal officers endanger us.

We must express our intolerance for what happened in McKinney and, to keep it from happening at our own doorsteps, we must indict the justice system. Lives depend on this.

#nojusticenopeace #McKinney

Casebolt resigned. The Police Dept., the same one that was aware of Casebolt's alleged racially motivated sexual assault yet kept him on active duty, issued a statement defending the system while throwing Casebolt under the bus and stood by the rest of the units that responded.

That is not justice.

 #EricCasebolt should not be the justice system's scapegoat and he should not get a pass for resigning either.


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