Moms Do It

(This piece is about the consensual sex way that people become mothers though I have much love and respect for the moms who got their role from other routes.)

It's Mother's Day so sex comes to mind . . . again.

Seriously, a celebration for folx who bore children from the womb without celebrating one of the most enjoyable ways that these babies got in there is some bullshit.

As a mother, I want to say to all the well-wishers, "Oye! Where's my bouquet for the technique and artistry which I employed to fill this womb? And what about all the practice I put in? Gimme more accolades!". 

A few days ago, some folx invited me to have sex with them. They were respectful about it and, though I really enjoy the fun of sex and they seemed fit enough, I could not say yes easily and I ultimately did not say yes at all.

I wanted to do it on some level, it's only natural .  .  .

I invited them to an unapologetically black space instead at Mood: B L A C K .

Yep, I plugged the movement. It was the sexiest thing I could offer. I should have told them to donate to Free Glo at on Google Wallet and to Mama's Day Bail Out too.

It wouldn't have helped them.

My Spirit is in this body, and they both crave union. S E X is one way I have found to get really close to one or more folx but, with sex, the reward can be great and the responsibility and consequence is greater.

In order for me to go that far, I would have to be enthusiastic about getting really close to this person/people and exposing myself to them in ways that would make me vulnerable to who they are today and what they carry from their past. I'd have to be cool with their methods of showing appreciation for my physique or their reactions to how much of a mindfuck I can be . . .  I didn't want to be that close. I also didn't want to be connected with and responsible for them as I feel for those with whom I get intimate.

Sometime ago, someone taught me not to have sex with anyone I didn't want to be. Having a child could really bring that home but so could getting an STI🤗. This is why I want to bring another level of discernment to light for all these folks watching the flurry of messages of appreciation to mothers-especially for the ones who've yet to explore what union can feel like when you can be an uninhibited, vulnerable, and divine co-creator.

I would love for us all, regardless of our anatomy (#gendernonconforming, #trans, #queer), to continue sportfucking and 'babymaking' with intentionality, care and compassion.

For Mother's Day, I want us to be in right relationship with sex.

If you had created a child with your last sex act, what would be her temperment? Would she be grounded and secure, scared, needy and lustful, would she be born high and addicted, or ashamed? Would she be calm, powerful, loving, kind . . . a phenomenon?

I imagine that each touch, kiss and sex act between myself and any beings (including myself) produces such a child-often it's a Spirit being, element or mythical creature (🦄Now you're in my head and that's hot #sapiosexual).

And now you know why I want sacred sex for me and everyone everywhere.
  • I want sex partners that are also spiritual companions.  
  • I want us to co-create something beautiful, be it of matter or Spirit. 
  • I want freedom to be to one another what gives us life-be it a muse, lover, masculine or feminine, mortal, divine . . . 
Why would we wrestle carnally when we make such beautiful babies when we fuck like co-creators?

There were a lot of fucks given in this piece. Happy Mother's Day, Mom☆


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