Riots don't come from the blue

When a wrong is done, the victim is wounded. 

The wound is grotesque or maybe not so bad looking (on the surface).

There are those will pick at the wound and jeer at it and even the victim. 

There are others who would treat the wound as though it appeared spontaneously . . . 
They might say "How did you do this to yourself?" before covering it with a bandage and sending you, "all fixed up", back to the one harmed you--the justice system, the government, the school, the bully . . . the police. 

Some folks will condemn the symptom while sanctioning the cause and they will claim that the part of you that is wounded defines you but should not affect your sense of belonging.

Still, systemic ethnic oppression is not a victimless crime. These institutions that criminalize our languages, spirituality, culture and our very existence cause devasting harm and, too often, death.
Riots do not come from the clear blue sky just as pain doesn't float away because it is unpopular or not portrayed truthfully on TV.

Shining my love for all people who are defined and treated as a subclass by the fundamental institutions of this society.  

Our wounds do not define us. The symptoms of oppression do not define us. The society that trivializes our lives and deaths do not define us.


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