Raise Up

This may be a controversial stance in some circles but I oppose feudalism, slavery and all forms of economic oppression.

I also believe that individuals who work should benefit as their business enjoys gains that can significantly improve workers' circumstances. If the corporation cannot responsibly maintain workers at a living wage, the corporation is in trouble and definitely should not be expanding. What happened to "don't bite off more than you can chew" or "don't write a check that your ass can't cash"?

 $15/hr is a living wage for most of American cities and towns. It is the basic salary that a typical family needs to cover food, shelter, transportation and basic health needs.  Many Americans do not earn this amount though there is a minority making up to 800 times this. The majority of us are working to the point of exhaustion for no gain. We are paying to work-paying with our health and children's precious time. These corporations are borrowing against our lives.

It does not have to be this way. Politicians have allowed businesses to abuse our people and environment, both domestically and abroad. We have permitted our politicians to remain in our government.

There are people who are fighting to be heard and losing what little they have. If we don't want this for our children, we cannot condone it for others. The system is unjust and inhumane and it is time to call those who support this to task. Corporations who abuse us should not get our business and politicians who sanction these abuses should be shown the door.

Take a stand in Chicago and take a stand everywhere to oppose economic oppression.

#RaiseUpFor15  #GOTV  #Elections

Photo taken by me at Raise Up For 15 March in Atlanta in April.


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