Protect Our Habitat. Protect Our Children. Don't Drill.

Please go to website, and say what you feel to oppose offshore exploration and drilling.

You don't have to be a scientist to know that toxics in our environment are cause for alarm.

You don't have to be a soldier to fight.

Please add your comment at here before 5pm today!

Here were mine (feel free to use as a template):

"I am the Moms Clean Air Force North Carolina Field Manager. Moms Clean Air Force is a nonprofit that promotes pediatric environmental health. I am also a child advocate; I have spent the last 20 years of my life working to unburden children from domestic violence, disenfranchisement and disadvantage. In all of my experience, I have never met a child who actually caused the harm that was being done to them but, because they were not shielded, they were exposed due to negligence and gross abuse by an adult. The saddest part has been how many adults simply did not know the extent of the harm that they were causing. The only thing sadder is knowing the extent of risk we are exposing children to and ignoring it.

I must oppose the OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2017-2022 because the extent of potential risk to human life is known and horrifying. The damages in other coastal areas are too numerous and great to argue that there is any financial benefit to offshore fossil fuel exploration and extraction. I have listened to Cheri Foytlin in the Gulf Coast talk about the lingering health affects of the oil spill and the dispersants. The people of the Gulf Coast deserve much better than what they are getting-rapid weight loss, skin disorders, bloody stools, cancer. Communities on the coasts are not disposable and people are not replaceable. When we weigh the costs of the health effects, environmental damage and loss of coastal income against the projected income of offshore fossil fuel exploration, it is clear that it offshore exploration and drilling simply is not worth its trouble.

It would be criminal to allow this industry to harm our coastal communities and not shield against the risks that we all understand to be severe and to have long lasting effects. Our healthy energy choices are too accessible to yoke our children to oil and gas which is exacerbating the climate crisis and harming our species and the planet. Our children deserve clean energy and the long lasting opportunities that accompany the solar, wind and hydro power industries-not the death and blight of fossil fuels.

Protect our habitat. Protect our Children. Don't Drill."


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