impulse to nurse

impulse to nurse
I felt it when they faced me
from across the table speaking
foolishness with all sincerity.
their lips part to say kind things to my black face
i ain’t a model of the universe-
like we are not the universe
talking to itself.
that feeling I had
when my baby needed me.
110% percentile and
she needed to me.. .
“they need me”
because they don’t know,
can’t know.
they must not know —
who am i to be responsible for them who have got
yet cannot be concerned about myself.

I felt it when they faced me from across the table speaking foolishness with all sincerity. Their lips part to say kind things to my black face like i ain't a model of the universe-like we were not the universe talking to itself.

That feeling I had when my fat baby needed me.  110% percentile but she needed to me..

They need me because they dont know, cant know.

Who am i to feel responsible for those who have got yet cannot be concerned about myself.


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