Dear Tomorrow: Letters to Our Children

When my inspiring friend Terra Pascarosa from Moms Clean Air Force invited me to write a "Dear Tomorrow" letter to the child that I love, I thought it would be a fun thing to do. I did not anticipate the tears that would fall nor the smile that would emerge as I took a moment to talk to my baby.

Submit your own Dear Tomorrow Letter this May! Learn more about it here or write to me at to have your letter to any child you love included.

Learn more about Moms Clean Air Force at and, if you can, join the Play In for Climate Action this year on July 13th in DC.

Dear Makena,   
Before you were born, I did everything I knew to do to make sure that you would be healthy: I ate the right food, exercised, meditated and minimized stress. Your father and I celebrated the birth of our healthy baby and named you “The Happy One” and have spent your entire life making sure that you have nothing in the way of fulfilling that meaning of your name.  
Early in motherhood, I learned that man-made pollution, toxins and toxic mentalities about our value as people were immediate threats to your well-being and happiness that were outside of my understanding but I refused to accept that they were outside of my control. I began to study these threats and solutions, and soon I began fighting back. You think that I am famous now; What you may not realize is that people only know me because I have been a very active truthsayer promoting what we must do to create the healthy environment YOU deserve.   
Sweetie, you deserve clean air, water and soil. You deserve to thrive in an environment that supports you not one that threatens your existence or hinders your development into your authentic self. 
For good reason, I'm about the business of creating a world where we can all thrive, love and self-
determine, my love. I know that you have been on this journey with me and I have at times worn myself out but I understand now that I must take care of myself now so that I can be in good health to share the good life our community is creating with you for a very long time. 
Our world is a reflection of our selves and we have more healing and believing to do as individuals and as a human family so we can make our dreams come true on this planet right now.
I love you.   
Eternally yours,  




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