Sometimes Love Looks Like This

If it weren't for race based discrimination, everyone would be in fear but Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been targeting brown low income folks these last few decades-namely Latino students, workers and caregivers.

Today European, Asian, African and Indigenous American descended folks joined Latinos in Charlotte to stage a mock ICE raid to bring attention to the NC 6, Central American youth and caregivers who entered the US after 2014, lived lawful lives, yet were arrested and are scheduled for deportation.

Though US policies contribute to making countries like Honduras inhospitable, our immigration system undervalues the lives of the refugees US policies help create.

We intersected today to protest systemic abuse of those apprehended despite their documented and substantiated fear of gang retaliation in their home countries. We came together as neighbors, people of faith, documentarians and activists who recognize that we must stand for love to not be complicit in hate.

Reverend Rodney Sadler highlighted today's significance to Christians preparing for Easter, he spoke of a Christ who was an avatar of love and a teacher who sacrificed comfort to demonstrate that humans are made in God's image.

"We are all made in the image of God and you don't treat God the way the youth arrested by ICE have been treated."

He went on to say that Jesus would be with the protesters on this one.

I agree with the Reverend.

Sometimes love looks like this.


#FreetheNC6 #stopthehate #ActionNC #WWJD #educationnotincarceration #climatejustice #intersectionalrevolutionary #moralmonday


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