When we don't have to fight anymore (poetry from a place of hope)

When we don't have to fight anymore, the air will be clean.
The children with play outside and their mothers will not fear an acronym's reading.
The color red will be for strawberries, popsicles and toy fire engines.

When we don't have to fight anymore, I will get some sleep.

I might not ever drink coffee or
tweet or post or blast and
I certainly won't "Thunderclap" when we don't have to fight anymore.

When we don't have to fight anymore, I'll have my dignity.
I won't be measured by metrics, "sign ons", comment cards and press events.

I won't compress my anger and hopes into a soundbite.
I will listen more/I may stop talking altogether.

We will be enough when we don't have to fight anymore.

Oh, there's going to be beauty everywhere . . .
Innovation and creativity oozing out of our minds and onto our landscapes . . .

"Urban" and "Rural" will be just locations not justifications for inequity.

We'll have healthy choices and take our time savoring them when we don't have to fight anymore.

When we don't have to fight anymore, I am going to do my hair in flowers,
paint my toenails,
and wear sandals.

I'm going to stop crying so much out of grief.

I'm going to have a party.

I'll read for leisure and write for spirit
when we don't have to fight anymore.

Join the fight for clean air to end the fight for our children's health and climate.  


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