A Call For Justice: An End to Fear

I remember being a kid in Kansas City, KS.  We would play ball in the street and a police cruiser meant we might get KC Royals baseball cards, have a cool conversation or get to show off how well we could throw a football. The officers would step out of the car and just talk to us. We got to know them and trusted them. We didn't need to put our hands up and we definitely didn't see guns drawn. That was the beginning of the 80's.

Though I respect all those who protect and serve today, I can't trust the uniform like I did when I was a girl throwing a football in Kansas. There is too much fear on both sides and the courts don't offer equal justice to those who abuse the law, i.e. Tamir Rice, Mike Brown, Rumain Brisbon, and Eric Garner's killers meet no justice while the families around the world mourn the continued injustice that makes black boys and men literal targets of police officers, more so than any other population.

We are forced to teach children that they can't expect to be treated fairly, that they can't talk to the police, they cannot trust the police? So sad.

Protect and serve? How can that be done when civilians can be legally armed to the teeth and the justice system cannot be trusted to uphold the law for all?

I could not go to A Call for Justice today, an event for Jonathan Ferrell who was shot dead while unarmed by CMPD police officer Randall Kerrick but this post is for Jonathan and his family. I'm so sorry. It should not have happened, it doesn't have to be this way. This cannot go on. This cannot go on.

For more information, email seekingjustice.consortium@gmail.com.


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