Polluters Have Awakened Their Worst Nightmare

Mothers are the most ferocious beings I know. We are incredibly strong if not the strongest!
What we lack in physical strength, we make up for in will.
We are more than survivors; For our children, we are fighters.

Perhaps on our own, we would be different . . .  a little less intense, a little more "easy". I can't say but since I first found my arms wrapped protectively around my child, I have been vigilant.
This is how I came upon the horrible truth about the air she was breathing and our water quality.

I may not be the kind of mother who bakes all of the time . . . No, that's not me anymore.
I am the mother who removes unnecessary threats from my child's path. Anything that hinders her development typically doesn't cross me - with the exception of the air and the water.

About those exceptions, I'm not the kind of mother who gives up either.

Join mothers who are fighting pollution to protect our kids' health. What else would you expect us to do? :)

photo credit: Natalie Celinna


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