Save the Black Boy Who Hugged the Cop

Great Photo by Johnny Nguyen
Despite the hug, the boy in the photo is more likely to be killed by a cop without cause than his white playmates.  

Think of the media that characterizes black boys and men as threatening and the justice system that is making blacks pay more for nonviolent crimes like stealing cigarillos than whites comparatively pay for severe offenses like murder. This child is at risk. 

Though he has participated in a graceful interpersonal exchange, this black boy is threatened by the racism that breeds and thrives via sanctioned dehumanization, exploitation and oppression in our society's systems including education, media and entertainment, and justice.  These institutions are working to the detriment of this cute black boy right now. 

We are also at risk. Racism is costing a fortune, in lives and money. 

Fortunately, historically privileged whites can do something to stop or, at least, deter the institutions from coming after this kid and the rest of us.

Please, if you have these ingredients, concoct this where ever you are. 

"Save the Black Boy Who Hugged the Cop Recipe"

Awareness of Social Injustice

Cultural Competency (may substitute respect for nonwhite ways of being in the world, approaches to child rearing, communication, storytelling, etc.)

Awareness of Institutionalized Racism

Sphere(s) of Influence (church, nonprofit, corporate, government, school, etc. organizaton)

Access to Sphere(s) of Influence

Access to Historically Oppressed People and Their Concerns

Intentionally layer and combine ingredients with much perserverance to change policies and practices that perpetuate racism, sexism, classism, discrimination of disabled and elderly while you're at it.

With your careful preparation, the black boy in the photo and many others will stop being a target when they are walking, black and unarmed in the street. Nonwhites and whites will see themselves and their interests more honestly represented in the media, halls of government and corporate boardroom. Nonprofit organizations will see their staff demographics reflect their client demographics.

This should not happen:

Please share where you found ingredients and your results! 


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